Posts Tagged :

social media

warrant on Facebook
800 534 Cynthia Conlin

Miami Judge denies overbroad search warrant for entire Facebook account – with great reasoning

A criminal-law case out of Miami came across my desk this morning that was worth a read. I usually read only new civil cases, but this particular order, or, rather, memorandum, was relevant because of the implications to the analysis to social media accounts being accessed in civil discovery. Occasionally, a litigant in civil discovery…

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948 632 Cynthia Conlin

Twitter Deletes Copied Jokes, but is Copying a Tweet Really Copyright Infringement?

Imagine crafting the perfect Tweet, sure to bring viral glory, then finding you have come up short because someone else re-posted it without giving you an ounce of credit. This is a real problem Twitter users are facing, and those wronged are filing complaints to Twitter to rectify the issue. So, is copying a tweet really…

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