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godaddy cyberpiracy case
894 671 Cynthia Conlin

GoDaddy Cyberpiracy Case over Oscars and other Academy domains Finally Coming to an End

A five-year-long cyberpiracy case filed by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences against GoDaddy is coming close to an end. The GoDaddy cyberpiracy case went to trial last week in a federal courtroom in California. In an upcoming proceeding, the Central District of California will hear closing arguments in which the Academy will reiterate allegations that…

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Florida Anti-SLAPP statute
1024 552 Cynthia Conlin

New Florida Anti-SLAPP law has a broad scope pertaining to lawsuits filed by any person

You may not have known that Florida has had an anti-SLAPP law on the books for the last decade. Probably because it was so narrow that it only applied to lawsuits filed by the government.  However, this year the legislature substantially revised that law, and on July 1, 2015, a new Florida anti-SLAPP law went into effect.…

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Lawsuits filed by Tamaroff cost so far $92,400
547 366 Cynthia Conlin

MDFL BitTorrent Lawsuit update: 231 lawsuits filed by Tamaroff & Tamaroff

As you may have already heard, Tamaroff & Tamaroff, attorneys who used to represent BitTorrent defendants in the federal courts in Florida, switched sides earlier this year.  They put the brakes on representing Defendants and began representing various Plaintiffs: Good Man Productions, Poplar Oaks Inc., Manny Film LLC, and Plastic the Movie Limited.  I hadn’t checked PACER in a…

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