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warrant on Facebook
800 534 Cynthia Conlin

Miami Judge denies overbroad search warrant for entire Facebook account – with great reasoning

A criminal-law case out of Miami came across my desk this morning that was worth a read. I usually read only new civil cases, but this particular order, or, rather, memorandum, was relevant because of the implications to the analysis to social media accounts being accessed in civil discovery. Occasionally, a litigant in civil discovery…

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Malibu Media lawsuits
1024 683 Cynthia Conlin

BitTorrent cases: Modern-day witch trials? #TBT

I started writing this blog in August 2015. At the time, we were still defending Malibu Media cases, and BitTorrent litigation, though waning (having taken a year-long break), was still topical in Florida. However, it soon became stale because, in October 1, 2015, Malibu Media filed its very last copyright infringement lawsuits in the state of Florida. So I…

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