Orlando Litigation Attorneys

Representing Plaintiffs & Defendants

Former U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Felix Frankfurter called litigation “the pursuit of practical ends, not a game of chess.” Litigation is, in most cases, the last resort after parties have done everything they can in their power to work things out.

The Orlando litigation team at Cynthia Conlin, P.A. recognize that lawsuits can be and often are a means to an end, but one that must be conducted carefully, and not without attempts at alternative dispute resolution.

Litigation is essentially the act of suing, being sued, and filing, prosecuting, and defending lawsuits. It usually takes place in either federal or state court. The federal and state court systems are separate involve separate rules of civil procedure.  In both, however, lawsuits start with the filing of a complaint and may continue through to judgment or dismissal by way of judicial determination or trial.

We are Orlando litigation attorneys who practice in both systems: state and federal courts.  We represent both Plaintiffs and Defendants, individuals and small businesses. We take our clients through the process of the initial stages, mediation, motion filings, discovery, and, if necessary, to trial.

corporations cannot represent themselves
Practice Areas

Need help?

To see if the Orlando litigation team at Cynthia Conlin, P.A. can assist with your civil dispute, call us at 407-965-5519 or reach out to us through our Contact page.

Blogs related to civil litigation

An anti-SLAPP motion was granted in Palm Beach County
Update on Florida’s anti-SLAPP law (recent cases)
1 1 Cynthia Conlin

Back in August 2015 we wrote about the new Florida anti-SLAPP law that was updated and expanded on July 1, 2015. The law was intended to discourage the filing of frivolous “SLAPP” lawsuits…

credit card lawsuit
What to do when faced with a credit card lawsuit
1 1 Cynthia Conlin

You may have known it was coming but hoped it wouldn’t. Paying bills has been a struggle. You got behind. Now you are faced with a credit card lawsuit, and a process server has…

Can you sue someone for recording a conversation in Florida?
948 632 Cynthia Conlin

You may not realize it, but, in Florida, you can sue someone for recording a conversation without permission (or, alternatively, if you record a conversation, you can be sued). Section 934.10, Florida Statutes,…

sued by a worker
Roofing contractor sued by worker prevails on issue of attorney’s fees
948 632 Cynthia Conlin

While associate attorney Tony Pagán Jr. was helping our roofing-contractor client, who was sued by a worker for payment, he completed his first trial yesterday! Our client, a roofing contractor, was sued by worker for payment. Our client…

3 reasons not to represent yourself in court
3 reasons to not represent yourself in court
948 632 Cynthia Conlin

The case against pro se litigants: Should you represent yourself in court? Here are 3 reasons not to. “A man who is his own lawyer has a fool for a client.” — proverb…

Don't mail a settlement payment late
Don’t mail a settlement payment late!
954 629 Cynthia Conlin

What happens when you pay a settlement payment late? From the Didn’t-See-That-Coming Department, and further evidence that you never know how a judge will rule. A small-claims defendant faced a harsh reality in Broward…

Miami Beach feud over corporate ownership
Hyman v. Daoud: A family feud over corporate ownership and control
950 631 Cynthia Conlin

When unwritten, misundstood intentions drive a steel wedge between family members An interesting case in the latest Florida Law Weekly about a family feud over corporate ownership caught my eye — and it…

What to do if you're sued by a credit card company
What to do when Sued by a Credit Card Company
872 688 Cynthia Conlin

Maybe you knew it was coming, or maybe you didn’t. It may have followed in line after months of collection calls, or it might be a surprise. It might not even be a…

6 new lawsuits were filed today in Tampa
6 New Malibu Media lawsuits filed in the Middle District of Florida today
822 1024 Cynthia Conlin

After more than an entire year of filing no new lawsuits within Florida, Malibu Media, LLC, the most prolific filer of copyright infringement lawsuits, filed a handful of new lawsuits in the Middle District of…

Florida Anti-SLAPP statute
New Florida Anti-SLAPP law has a broad scope pertaining to lawsuits filed by any person
1024 552 Cynthia Conlin

You may not have known that Florida has had an anti-SLAPP law on the books for the last decade. Probably because it was so narrow that it only applied to lawsuits filed by…

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