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Should I file a lawsuit: Learning to Pick Your Battles
563 355 Cynthia Conlin

Should I File a Lawsuit (and Learning to Pick Your Battles)

I talk to many people who have sought out an attorney because they’re angry. They’ve been wronged. They’re done with this $#!%! They want to sue.  They ask: Should I file a lawsuit? If you’re in this position, you may not be considering the expense, time, and stress involved in filing a lawsuit.  And for good reason,…

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false police report
548 365 Cynthia Conlin

Is filing a false police report defamation? (Qualified privilege in Florida)

This is a question I get asked with relative frequency.  In most cases, the answer is no: The fact that someone made a false police report does not mean that those statements will be found to be defamation (libel or slander).  The reason is that, in Florida, statements to police enjoy a “qualified privilege” from defamation. Pursuant to the…

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Dallas Buyers Club lawsuits
468 432 Cynthia Conlin

Dallas Buyers Club lawsuits served in Florida

In May and June of this year, Attorney Richard Fee’s I.P. Enforcement Law Group filed 14 Dallas Buyers Club lawsuits, and summons have begun to circulate.  These suits, filed on behalf of Plaintiff, Dallas Buyers Club, LLC, are for the alleged infringement via BitTorrent download of the film Dallas Buyers Club, starring Matthew McConaughey, Jennifer Garner,…

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