Posts Tagged :

substantial truth

800 533 Cynthia Conlin

Defending Your Business Against Defamation

In today’s competitive market, a business’s reputation is its lifeblood. It can draw in more customers than any advertising campaign. Conversely, reputational harm can cripple revenue and threaten a company’s survival. Fortunately, businesses have legal avenues to combat false and damaging statements made by competitors, ex-employees, or unhappy customers. Given the complexity of these cases,…

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law books and legal research
800 533 Cynthia Conlin

Step 2 in Filing a Lawsuit: Understanding Possible Affirmative Defenses

About 10 years ago, I wrote a blog post, “9 Things to Do or Consider Before You File a Lawsuit.” Even though it’s been a decade, all the points made are still just as timely now as they ever were. In this second post of our nine-part series, we delve deeper into understanding possible affirmative…

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