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sued by a worker
948 632 Cynthia Conlin

Roofing contractor sued by worker prevails on issue of attorney’s fees

While associate attorney Tony Pagán Jr. was helping our roofing-contractor client, who was sued by a worker for payment, he completed his first trial yesterday! Our client, a roofing contractor, was sued by worker for payment. Our client had held the worker’s payment because the worker had caused damage, which our client was still assessing. The worker argued he was an “employee”…

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3 reasons not to represent yourself in court
948 632 Cynthia Conlin

3 reasons to not represent yourself in court

The case against pro se litigants: Should you represent yourself in court? Here are 3 reasons not to. “A man who is his own lawyer has a fool for a client.” — proverb “Pro se” is when a person represents him or herself in court, without an attorney.  In some cases, such as simple contract matters of…

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Don't mail a settlement payment late
954 629 Cynthia Conlin

Don’t mail a settlement payment late!

What happens when you pay a settlement payment late? From the Didn’t-See-That-Coming Department, and further evidence that you never know how a judge will rule. A small-claims defendant faced a harsh reality in Broward County after her agreed settlement payment could not be delivered on time because the Plaintiff’s attorney was not at his office. The defendant was complying with…

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