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800 533 Cynthia Conlin

How does a lawsuit start? Step One: The Complaint

Over the years, I’ve had many consultations with potential clients who want to sue someone but have never been a party to a lawsuit. In most people’s lives, litigation is a very rare occurrence. So what exactly does suing someone entail? This article discusses just the very start of a lawsuit: the complaint. A lawsuit…

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William Shatner defamation lawsuit
648 482 Cynthia Conlin

Defamation lawsuit against William Shatner dismissed, again

A MAN NAMED Peter Sloan, purported son of William Shatner, sued the James T. Kirk/Danny Crane actor for defamation in February. The Middle District of Florida (Tampa division) quickly dismissed the original complaint but gave Sloan leave to file an amended complaint, which he did do. Shatner filed another motion to dismiss. On August 3, 2017, the…

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emotional distress
720 477 Cynthia Conlin

I want to sue for Emotional Distress! Can I?

Doesn’t everyone? ???? OK, maybe not everyone wants to sue for emotional distress. But a common query attorneys hear is, “How can I recover for all the emotional stress I’ve endured?” A few different theories of liability allow for damages related to mental anguish. However, a cause of action also exists called “intentional infliction of…

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