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warrant on Facebook
800 534 Cynthia Conlin

Miami Judge denies overbroad search warrant for entire Facebook account – with great reasoning

A criminal-law case out of Miami came across my desk this morning that was worth a read. I usually read only new civil cases, but this particular order, or, rather, memorandum, was relevant because of the implications to the analysis to social media accounts being accessed in civil discovery. Occasionally, a litigant in civil discovery…

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Brevard County Sheriff sued for defamation
1024 610 Cynthia Conlin

Brevard sheriff sued for ‘Wheel of Fugitive’: Will the defamation claims stick?

A recent defamation lawsuit filed against the Brevard County sheriff made headlines, as it targets the sheriff’s “Wheel of Fugitive” Facebook videos, which spoof Wheel of Fortune. The plaintiff, David Gay, said he wasn’t a fugitive when his name and image appeared — several times — on the wheel, and, as a result, lost a job…

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948 632 Cynthia Conlin

Is a hacked Facebook ‘cyberstalking‘?

A Facebook ‘Secret Lovers’ post and possibly intercepted Facebook messages may be creepy, but they’re not ‘cyberstalking,’ says Second DCA in Horowitz v. Horowitz. I happened to be doing some research today and stumbled across a case from last year that, because of its focus on a couple of Facebook posts, piqued my interest. In 2013, a wife, Maureen P.…

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