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Dish Network

email from satscams or letter from Nagrastar
480 248 Cynthia Conlin

Did you receive an email from Satscams about DISH Network?

Did you receive an email from Satscams attaching a letter from Nagrastar about DISH Network? Nagrastar is the entity used by DISH Network to curb piracy of DISH Network programming. It owns the domain from which it operates a website and sends out emails to people it accuses of pirating its signals. Many people…

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Dish Network lawsuits
974 616 Cynthia Conlin

Dish Network lawsuits target individuals in suits from Dish Network, EchoStar Technologies, and Nagrastar

Early this year we were alerted to federal lawsuits filed by Dish Network L.L.C against individuals for allegedly pirating their satellite services.  A Pacer search reveals that these lawsuits are relatively steady though not filed with such frequency as your average BitTorrent suit.  These Dish Network lawsuits are also not new, having been around for several years,…

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