Posts Tagged :

copyright infringement

trademark trolls
800 533 Tony Pagán, Jr.

Trademark Trolls: Trolling for Trademarks and Other Intellectual Property

AS TECHNOLOGY evolves, so does our use of interesting and amusing terms for common technological trends. One such term is “trolling.” Often used to describe people who are purposely obnoxious or contrarian, “trolling” holds different meanings in the realm of intellectual property. While you may already be familiar with terms such as “copyright trolls” and…

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NagraStar Letter
800 532 Tony Pagán, Jr.

NagraStar letter accuse you of DISH Network piracy? Don’t panic.

HAVE YOU or someone you know received a letter or email (usually from “satscams”) saying it was from Dish Network LLC, EchoStar Technologies, and NagraStar LLC (collectively “NagraStar”)? Does the NagraStar letter or satscams email say you bought “IKS passcodes for pirate television services”? Does it include an offer to settle NagraStar’s claims in exchange for a lump…

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Is it legal to stream movies?
720 480 Jennifer Reed

To Stream or to Torrent? That is the 21st Century Question.

WITH THE outrageous cost of cable these days, it’s no surprise many people look to other sources for their viewing pleasure. Enter torrenting and streaming: two online sources to watch free movies. But are they free? Could you unknowingly be exposing yourself to potential liability in the hundreds of thousands of dollars by torrenting or…

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