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If I sign a contract can I get out of it
439 456 Cynthia Conlin

If I sign a contract can I get out of it?

A question often asked is, “If I sign a contract can I get out of it?”  Essentially, as with most situations, the answer is “it depends.”  While in many situations you might be locked in, sometimes you’re not. 7 Ways to Get Out of a Contract 1.  The first way to get out of a…

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548 364 Cynthia Conlin

Does a Contract Have to Be in Writing?

It is a question often misunderstood: Does a contract have to be in writing? The answer, most of the time, is no.  But sometimes, yes. A contract, by its very nature, does not require a piece of paper.  It requires (1) an offer, which can be made orally, (2) acceptance of that offer,  (3) consideration,…

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