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Malibu Media

Malibu Media lawsuits
1024 683 Cynthia Conlin

BitTorrent cases: Modern-day witch trials? #TBT

I started writing this blog in August 2015. At the time, we were still defending Malibu Media cases, and BitTorrent litigation, though waning (having taken a year-long break), was still topical in Florida. However, it soon became stale because, in October 1, 2015, Malibu Media filed its very last copyright infringement lawsuits in the state of Florida. So I…

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6 new lawsuits were filed today in Tampa
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6 New Malibu Media lawsuits filed in the Middle District of Florida today

After more than an entire year of filing no new lawsuits within Florida, Malibu Media, LLC, the most prolific filer of copyright infringement lawsuits, filed a handful of new lawsuits in the Middle District of Florida today, all in the Tampa Division.  The new Malibu Media lawsuits are: (1) Malibu Media, LLC v. John Doe, subscriber assigned IP…

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Lawsuits filed by Tamaroff cost so far $92,400
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MDFL BitTorrent Lawsuit update: 231 lawsuits filed by Tamaroff & Tamaroff

As you may have already heard, Tamaroff & Tamaroff, attorneys who used to represent BitTorrent defendants in the federal courts in Florida, switched sides earlier this year.  They put the brakes on representing Defendants and began representing various Plaintiffs: Good Man Productions, Poplar Oaks Inc., Manny Film LLC, and Plastic the Movie Limited.  I hadn’t checked PACER in a…

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