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One way to get a judgment is by going through trial
548 365 Cynthia Conlin

How to get a judgment

A lot of people ask me how to go after someone and get a judgment. Whether you are a business or an individual, a judgment is usually the final goal in a civil case. It is the piece of paper people you get at the end that allows you to collect. It is not always easy…

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Should I file a lawsuit: Learning to Pick Your Battles
563 355 Cynthia Conlin

Should I File a Lawsuit (and Learning to Pick Your Battles)

I talk to many people who have sought out an attorney because they’re angry. They’ve been wronged. They’re done with this $#!%! They want to sue.  They ask: Should I file a lawsuit? If you’re in this position, you may not be considering the expense, time, and stress involved in filing a lawsuit.  And for good reason,…

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false police report
548 365 Cynthia Conlin

Is filing a false police report defamation? (Qualified privilege in Florida)

This is a question I get asked with relative frequency.  In most cases, the answer is no: The fact that someone made a false police report does not mean that those statements will be found to be defamation (libel or slander).  The reason is that, in Florida, statements to police enjoy a “qualified privilege” from defamation. Pursuant to the…

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