Posts Tagged :

consumer law

credit card lawsuit
1 1 Cynthia Conlin

What to do when faced with a credit card lawsuit

You may have known it was coming but hoped it wouldn’t. Paying bills has been a struggle. You got behind. Now you are faced with a credit card lawsuit, and a process server has handed you a summons and complaint. What do you do? Do not ignore it Most importantly, take the lawsuit seriously. It will not go away…

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Don't mail a settlement payment late
954 629 Cynthia Conlin

Don’t mail a settlement payment late!

What happens when you pay a settlement payment late? From the Didn’t-See-That-Coming Department, and further evidence that you never know how a judge will rule. A small-claims defendant faced a harsh reality in Broward County after her agreed settlement payment could not be delivered on time because the Plaintiff’s attorney was not at his office. The defendant was complying with…

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What to do if you're sued by a credit card company
872 688 Cynthia Conlin

What to do when Sued by a Credit Card Company

Maybe you knew it was coming, or maybe you didn’t. It may have followed in line after months of collection calls, or it might be a surprise. It might not even be a debt that belongs to you. Regardless, you’ve been sued by a credit card company. Now what to do? 1. Treat it seriously. Do…

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